Are you a chef or a recipe follower?

Have you ever been super excited to make a recipe that looked so delicious?

You go to the store, buy all the ingredients…

Dirty your entire kitchen and countless dishes…

Follow every step…

After hours of preparation and patience, you finally take a bite, and it sucks!

So you go back and realize you left something out, used too much of this, or not enough of that.

One tiny mix-up and the whole thing is ruined…a real bummer.

On the other hand, think of the world’s best chef.

I’d be willing to bet if you gave them 10 of the most random ingredients from the back of your cabinet, they would be able to make an amazing meal.

How do they do that?

Chefs have the skill to make something out of nothing, make changes on the fly, and have the knowledge to be creative.

It’s an art.

This mindset is the same in our clinic.

We teach our clients to be chefs, not just follow a recipe.

Imagine doing something without knowing if it’s helping. Or feeling like if you do one tiny thing wrong your exercise will be useless.

That’s a tough way to live.

Now imagine having the skills, knowledge, and confidence to reduce your pain anytime, anyplace.

That’s freedom.

Becoming a chef about your pain takes time, energy, and focus but will allow you to be capable for a lifetime.

Talk Soon,

Dr. Bruno

P.S. If you want to see a bunch of real people becoming chefs about their pain, check out our Instagram!


Allow me to re-introduce myself


“Feet? I thought you were a chiropractor.”