“I can’t keep wasting my time on things that aren’t helping”

Take a second to picture your favorite form of physical activity. What gets you out of bed in the morning and gets your heart pumping? For John, it was Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It was his whole world… until back pain forced him to stop going.

Here is a quick story about how we were able to help him. 

Our friend John had crippling sharp back pain after his Jiu-Jitsu training sessions. He was a very advanced athlete, having practiced the sport for over a decade. He worked his way up the ranks and even started helping mentor the new students.

The sport required John to be twisted, rolled, squeezed and stretched in every direction you could imagine.

Specifically for John, the big issue was not as much during the session, but after.

During every session, John when he would warm John noticed aches and pains that felt tight and stiff in his back. After he got his adrenaline pumping, he would usually forget about it.

After the session, he’d drive home and once the excitement wore off, the pain set in. Seeing John get out of that car, you’d think he was a 90-year-old man. He could not straighten his back to save his life. He would have to shuffle into the house where he would attempt to relax by taking a hot shower and a handful of pain pills to fall asleep.

John dealt with this for years and could not find any fix that took the back pain away for more than a day. He saw Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, and Acupuncturists; who would work on his back with minimal relief.

After almost a year of suffering John hit a breaking point, he got to the point of canceling his membership to the gym because he could not bear the after-effects of training any longer.

Thankfully, John’s Jiu-Jitsu instructor connected us. When we spoke it was clear he had been through the wringer, he said: “I’ve done it all, I don’t want to waste my time on stuff that won’t work”.

After talking about his history, It became clear his prior clinicians only worked on the area that hurt, not where the problem was truly coming from. After explaining this to John he decided to come in for a consultation, what did he have to lose?

We used our assessment to show John that he had a significant difference in his hip rotation movements which was ultimately putting more stress on his back and causing him his pain.

He was mind-blown. “All this time, and NOBODY looked at anything else besides my back”.

We created a plan that helped him improve his hip rotation and gave him exercises to learn how to use it. After weeks of being pain-free the real work began, getting him back into Jiu-Jitsu.

Our plan not only got him moving in a way that fits his body but ultimately back to training confidently and with no pain afterward!

He was thrilled at the progress he made and told us he only had one regret: “I wish I knew about you guys sooner, it would have saved me so much time, money, effort, and energy”.

We choose to take the time to find out the true problem and work together that create a plan that gets you back to life the way you want to live it.

If John’s story hit home because you are struggling with similar issues and looking to get back to doing your thing, click the link below to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bruno to hear how we could help.


A welcome letter to you; our rockstar client


Can I Work Out with Pain?